Chapter 156: They do exist after all.

Chapter of the week: 3/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker   After school, I went to the crime scene to investigate the murderer. “It’s turning into quite the uproar here.” I uttered to myself while watching the crime scene from a far place. I couldn’t approach it too much because it was cramped with police officers and press corps. It …

Chapter 155: They might actually exist.

Chapter of the week: 2/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker In the middle of a night with a clear sky. At this time of the night, everyone in the city was sleeping, except for those who have night shifts, salarymen who are coming back home from a bar with tottering steps, delinquents who still didn’t get enough from playing around, …

Chapter 154: The class’ return.

Chapter of the week: 1/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker   Sometime before Yato had to go out with Saya, Karen, and Ouka. Tenjouin and his classmates, who bid farewell to Yato and used the teleportation circle set by Korola, were able to return to the place where they disappeared in Anamz. “This is…” What they saw after the light …

Chapter 153: That is how psychic phenomenons are made.

Chapter of the week: 4/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker   After we got a minor interruption, Ouka and I continued our stroll in the main street. “Be careful next time.” “Yes. I apologize.” Ouka replied to my warning while hanging down her head. The reason behind this warning was due to what happened in the next store we visited, …

Chapter 152: I feel like I’ve already experienced this flow of events.

Chapter of the week: 3/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker Today, I am depressed. My summer holidays are about to end in 3 days. My days of laying around and sleeping anytime I want without getting scolded are about to go away in a near future when my school reopens. “Only 3 days…” “You don’t look very well today, master.” …

Chapter 151: There are some people who are not very good at taking pictures.

Chapter of the week: 2/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker   After Tenjouin and his classmates returned to their world, the summer holidays and my heavenly time enjoying life were about to reach their ends in a week. Usually, most of the students get very busy in this last week due to doing their homeworks and preparing for the second …

Chapter 150: Finally returning back.

Chapter of the week: 1/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker   The next I did, after making Metron and Korola apologize, was to explain the situation to Tenjouin and his classmates. All of this happened because of misunderstandings. That is why I wanted them to be more careful next time to not cause any unnecessary troubles for me. I don’t …

Chapter 149: It was all a misunderstanding.

Chapter of the week: 4/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker   Everyone went quiet once they heard the abrupt voice of a child. It was the voice of the person behind sending the class back to the Earth. The first to interrupt the silence and speak was Tenjouin. “M-Metron…” He uttered that name with his eyes open wide. It’s confirmed …

Chapter 148: He finally showed up.

Chapter of the week: 3/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker   The first thing I saw when I teleported was Lina and Ouka talking to each other. “Lina, Ouka.” “Yato-sama.” “You’re here.” They stopped their conversation when they noticed my presence and approached me. “Is everyone okay?” “Yes, everyone is okay.” “Obviously. I just went through my training, after all.” …

Chapter 147: Your body can’t keep up even if your mind could.

Chapter of the week: 2/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker Maxis kept lying flat on the ground after getting my kick in the jaw. Did he perhaps faint? When I was about to get closer to him and see if he was still alive, he abruptly stood up in one move. “Nuuuun!!” He then thrust his fist in my direction …