Chapter 146: The four great generals sounds like a title for show.

Chapter of the week: 1/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker   The battlefield shifts to Anamz where Ren was facing Maxis’ army. “So this is your best, huh.” The battle had been already settled. Countless gouges and cracks formed in the ground, as well as the collapsing demon soldiers and monsters, surrounded Ren, who was letting out a heavy sigh. …

Chapter 145: Nothing goes as planned in this world.

Chapter of the week: 4/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker Tenjouin’s abilities have considerably increased due to equipping his new sword. “I got you!” He transformed his legs into light and swung his sword at me with the speed of light. I barely managed to dodge all of his attacks, but I couldn’t counterattack him because he was too fast. …

Chapter 144: Sometimes, you may not be able to keep up while fighting together.

Chapter of the week: 3/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker ———————————————————————————————————-   Everything will be put to an end today. The sky was clear and the weather was good, unlike the depressing feelings I get whenever I think that I will have to fight those guys again. I made my resolve yesterday, but my mind had changed along with the …

Chapter 143: It seems that many things will happen tomorrow.

Chapter of the week: 2/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker   Meanwhile the class members were feeling dejected inside the treatment room, there was another person who was also dejected in another place. “I lost… How regrettable!!” Standing in the dark corner of an empty room, Tenjouin struck his fist against the wall. His good-looking face was distorted by his …

chapter 142: You shouldn’t believe in everything people tell you.

Chapter of the week: 1/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker Time passed away, Tenjouin and his classmates managed to escape with their lives to their base after getting defeated in their battle against Kamiya Yato. “Okay, you’re healed.” “Thanks.” Inside one of the rooms of the deserted house, the injured members were getting treated by healing magic. Those who received …

Chapter 141: It is a villain’s privilege to escape when he feels in disfavor

Chapter of the week: 4/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________   Heroes against a villain.   With a tense atmosphere, the class heroes held their weapons nervously and glared at me. However, there is one thing that I need to restrain myself from doing in this battle, that is to erase their weapons and skills. I can’t erase their …

Chapter 139: I feel like running away now.

Chapter of the week: 2/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker   On the next day, after I met with my former classmates from my middle school. Despite causing them to misunderstand the situation in the ways more than one, my surroundings were usual as any other day. I’ve no idea what Tenjouin is planning to do now after declaring a …

Chapter 138: The situation seems to be serious than how it looks.

Chapter of the week: 1/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker In a deserted house chosen as the base of operation of the class who came to Earth-chan, Tenjouin was pondering about the conversation he had with Yato earlier. “I wonder what kind of abilities Kamiya had acquired.” He had been told by a classmate who can use【Appraisal】that they couldn’t see …

Chapter 137: It’s better to not comfort someone who got rejected.

Chapter of the week: 4/4 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker The first thing I did was frowning after hearing that last sentence shouted by Tenjouin. He clearly said that he is here on Metron’s orders, which means that Metron sent them to me. I turned to Lina to confirm if that were true, but she only shook her head while …