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Fushigi and the Substitute Hero – an Interview.

In by GrandiaLeave a Comment

Today, we welcome Fushigi! He’s releasing a new novel today, called Substitute Hero. It’s an otherworld fantasy, so if you like isekai stories with knights, magic, and heroes, you can check out the first 20 chapters here! Grandia sat down with him for an interview about his newest release! ******************** Welcome Fushigi! So, how did you find Creative Novels? A …

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The Hoarder of Books – An Interview with Carrarn

In by George BakersonLeave a Comment

Psst. Do you have the time? No? Well, I do and it’s time to announce our latest novel on the site. Please give a very warm welcome to Carrarn who brings out his novel, Nothing But Bones. If you love post-apocalyptic LitRPG then this is for you! Oh, and if you want to learn about Carrarn himself, head over to …

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A Coming of Age Fantasy – An Interview with Sazer

In by GrandiaLeave a Comment

Today, we welcome Sazer! She’s releasing a new novel today, called Impulsive: Descendants of the Gifted. It’s a coming-of-age fantasy, so if you like character-centered stories with adventure, growth and romance, you can check out the first 6 chapters here! Grandia sat down with her for an interview about her newest release (see below)! ******************** Welcome Sazer! Please introduce yourself …

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A Drama You Can’t Miss – An Interview with SME

In by George BakersonLeave a Comment

Another week, another author! This time we’re joined by the wonderful SME who goes live with his novel, A Tail’s Misfortune, a unique drama that’ll have you on the edge of your seat! So, give him a warm welcome everyone because here’s to stay. And if you’re interested in the author himself, hop on over to read the interview found …

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He’s At It With Another! – Devouring Heaven Sword God

In by L.V.Leave a Comment

Welcome back, everyone! With another interview, CrN is glad to present JunWeiLala and his second translation, Devouring Sword God! This is a story about betrayal, secrets, reincarnation, and traversing the heavens! PS: the cover was just a makeshift by the JFB team to represent the novel on the site. Now, without further ado, CrN’s L.V. brings to you an interview …

Web Novelist Translates his Own Work – An Interview with Kir

In by George Bakerson3 Comments

We at Creative Novels are proud to present our latest author to the team: Kir Droi. A well known Russian web novelist, he tries his hand at translating his own 1000 chapter (!) work. What is he releasing with us today? You may ask. It is called Dragon’s Heart and it is Wuxia and LitRPG combined! Interested? Head over to …