Chapter 24 – Super Clothes-Washing Soap

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Liu Zhong Tian walked in and saw Wei Qiqi who is dressed neatly. He knows that she has already washed herself clean. “Why are you wearing so strangely again?”

“I think that you are the one that is wearing weirdly!” Qiqi walked up and touched Liu Zhong Tian’s belt. “If you are wearing jeans you must be very handsome!”

“Preposterous!” Liu Zhong Tian grabbed her hands in fury. He immediately flung her away. “Next time do not touch this Duke!”

“What a fella with a nasty temper!” After she finished speaking, Qiqi sat in the big tent and started washing her clothes.

Liu Zhong Tian was just about to go back to the bookshelf when he heard a sound. He curiously retreated back and looked at Wei Qiqi. “In the future I have no need for them to come to the big tent to collect the clothes, you shall wash all of them!”

“What did you say?” Qiqi stood up. Before she could even react, Liu Zhong Tian already brought out some clothes and threw it in front of Wei Qiqi.

“Wash these cleanly!”

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“Hey! Liu Zhong Tian!”

“Call me Duke!” Liu Zhong Tian smiled faintly and walked back to his bookshelf to read the scrolls to continue reading. His eyes will glance towards Qiqi occasionally.

Wei Qiqi was furious as she was washing and looked out of the big tent. Really, just when she has found a clean place to rest, she has to suffer this kind of humiliation and become the unlucky Duke’s washing lady. Dear God, did something go wrong? Why did you get an heiress to an enormous fortune and turn her to be so downtrodden. When she saw the clothes in her hands, she thought that it is good if she has soap. If the maid in her house were here it won’t be bad either.

When she saw the clothes won’t get clean no matter how she washes it, Wei Qiqi stood up. She ran out of the tent and asked the firearms master for some alkaline and pig oil. After some experiments and heating, she added salt onto the mixture. The firearms master looked at her and was wondering what she is doing.

“Success, soap!” Qiqi jumped up.

The firearms master looked at the yellow solid block in Qiqi’s hands and asked with suspicion. “General Wei, this is?”

“Soap!” After saying finish Qiqi excitedly ran out.

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Qiqi went back to the big tent and started to wash the clothes with passion. Liu Zhong Tian wondered what is up and walked over and realized that the wooden bucket is full of white colour foam. Wei Qiqi sang while washing which made Liu Zhong Tian frown.

“What is this?”

“Oh! Soap! Kekeke!” Qiqi stood up and presented the clothes. “Duke, this is clean right!”

Liu Zhong Tian coldly looked at her and looked at the yellow soap bar by her side. He felt some doubts. Why is this Wei Qiqi’s disposition is so weird. He sized up the clothes that she washed.

“Next time you shall wash the whole army’s clothes!”

“What, what?” Qiqi stuttered.

“If you don’t wish to wash all of them, then give that soap of yours to the soldiers in charge of washing!”

Wei Qiqi immediately understood. So it is like this. That is no problem at all, she can even impart the method of creating the soap to them. However, she immediately held onto the Duke who is just about to go out. “Then your clothes, can I not wash them, look at my hands!” After speaking finish she extended both of her hands.

Third Duke Liu Zhong Tian realized that pair of arms are unusually white and skinny. He shifted his gaze embarrassingly. “Yes! You can”

“Ok, no problem!” [T/N: She said this in English, not Chinese]

Liu Zhong Tian couldn’t figure out what is she saying and thinks that she is a weird person. Hence, he walked out with some doubts.

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