Chapter 99: Death? (Part 1)

Qi Huan stared blankly at Yan Yin, who had long been dead. At this time, if she still didn’t know that she was framed, then she really had lived all these years in vain. Who on earth wanted to frame her to the point that they would rather kill an innocent child? She didn’t seem to have provoked anyone in …

Chapter 98: Framed? (Part 2)

“The guards here probably won’t let me out…” Qi Huan was indeed interested to go out but she also had not forgotten her current identity. To call her their guest was just an excuse, in fact, she was more like their prisoner. “Don’t worry, you have me! They will definitely not do anything to you. Besides, Sister Sui Lei is …

Chapter 98: Framed? (Part 1)

“He only fancies you on the spur of a moment. He will soon abandon you mercilessly for other women.” Sui Lei was stunned for a moment then finally spoke before turning and leaving Qi Huan. Qi Huan stared at Sui Lei in a daze. Is she really talking about Mo Ye? After staying in Mo Mansion for nearly three months, …

Chapter 97: Kill Her (Part 2)

Because of the guard’s scream, the entire inner courtyard became brightly lit. Everyone’s room was lit up except for Qi Huan’s room that was still dark. “What’s the matter, who shouted?” Not long after, Qi Huan heard the housekeeper’s solemn and cold voice coming from outside the house. Most people exchanged glances, not knowing what was going on. Only two …

Chapter 97: Kill Her (Part 1)

And so, Qi Huan hadn’t stayed at Mo Ye’s place for long before being captured by Mo Yu and brought to Mo Mansion. It was quite a considerable distance between Mo Mansion and Qian Long Mountain. It roughly took them more than ten days even if they were traveling at the fastest speed. In any case, she had no hope …

Chapter 96: His Father And Brother

Blink your eyes and conceal your lustful mind. In fact, Qi Huan was really puzzled. They were the only two living here now. Mo Ye had made it clear that he liked her, and she also didn’t hide her affection for him. So how could he not turn into a seductive wolf in the middle of the night? If that …

Chapter 95: OK, That’s A Deal (Part 2)

When she didn’t see him, she could control herself not to think about him, but when she saw him, she found that she had been deceiving herself all this time, and she missed him more deeply than she thought. “You miss me, that’s why you proposed to me?” Mo Ye grinned slyly, deliberately teasing Qi Huan. Her figure was reflected …

Chapter 95: OK, That’s A Deal (Part 1)

Qi Huan wanted to go back to find her little fox, so she had to walk into the formation. The power of the Seven Deadly Reincarnation Formation was not for its attack damage, but its illusion that was impossible to guard against. Formation in the immortal world was different from that of the mortal world. The illusion was not only …

Chapter 94: Throw To Guard The Formation

After ten days on the spacecraft, Qi Huan finally saw a glimmer of life. It was still early, and Qi Huan, who was tone-deaf, was lying on the couch humming a modern pop song. At this time, Ming Huo looked at her like a monster from the side, but his temper was good enough that he didn’t interrupt her humming …

Chapter 93: Tag Along

“Miss, you seem uncomfortable?” Ming Huo lowered his head, and the tip of his nose slightly touched Qi Huan’s white neck, causing her to shiver in fear. “I, I, I am o-okay, r-ruler, if there’s nothing else, then I’ll leave first~” Qi Huan fumbled for the doorknob behind her, intending to escape. This Ruler Ming Huo was too dangerous, it …