chapter – 118 behold The Power

Of Epsilon’s two unexpected guests, the female mage was named Nalia. She was from Blue Tear City and knew about Epsilon and the kind of place he held in the City’s current scheme of things. The male warrior was called Leon. He too was from the City and was also aware of Epsilon’s feats and power. Seeing the famous mage …

Chapter – 117 – young Visitors

After finishing the knowledge section of the Quantum Teleportation spell, Epsilon started working on the ‘Fantasia’ part, which too needed more attention than his other spells. Fantasia essentially meant adding personal thoughts and quotes that were contextual to the spell. It was important to note in this section that the stronger the quotes were, the more powerful and agile the …

chapter – 116 – Subatomic Particle

Epsilon did not waste any time and started working on creating the teleportation spell. He knew that this would be his most important and hardest spell created so far. He could not afford to make any mistakes or he would be teleporting his parts away but would fail to reconstruct himself, in essence killing himself for good. ‘Quantum Teleportation’ ‘Description’ …

chapter – 115 – Quantum Teleportation

Epsilon went on a trading spree in the Void Market. He sold all the energy he produced within a day and his total Ether Stones now amounted to 1-M, which stood for 1 Million Ether Stones. This 1-M Ether Stones was sufficient for him to make purchases and he began looking for things he needed for his new plans, especially …

Chapter – 114 – Energy Producer Card

At the end of their discussion, Epsilon had sold one city-level energy to Void Dealer, smoothly pocketing 10,000 Ether Stones. The Void Dealer also handed him a Blue Card that was used by the Void Market for signifying transactions related to energy production and sales or any other trade that dealt in this area. With this card in hand, Epsilon …

Chapter – 113 – electric Energy – Exceeding Expectations

Electric Energy — Exceeding Expectations Maliana took a deep breath as she deeply reflected on Epsilon’s words. Every word he said was correct and she could not refute any of it. In the end, the world of magic was ruled by the strong. If he wanted to be an enemy of the Black Flower Coven, then nobody could, or would, …

chapter – 112 Unwelcome Intruders

The Unwelcome Intruders Epsilon got very busy while completing both versions of the spell — the Star Panel and the Solar Panel. After finishing up all that he needed to do, he got up to make himself some black tea in his kitchen. In this world, this was a novel experience for Epsilon. When he first came, he was a …

chapter – 111 – Solar Panel

Solar Panel: Weaker, But Not Really The final material was simple and had the appearance and color of silver. It looked rich, giving a natural aristocratic feel to onlookers. Epsilon smiled as he inspected the combination of his enchantments — the perfect aluminium and perfect steel — he liked what he saw. “Now let’s enchant it so that it can …

chapter – 110 – perfection

A Step By Step Perfection Epsilon immersed himself in shaping the perfect steel and aluminium he bought as the raw materials to create, and enchant, the Star Panel. He took the thick metal sheets and started molding them into the shape of a square, enchanting the material itself with the required magic and knowledge. This assignment was the kind that …

chapter – 109 – mission Ravia

Mission Ravia — A Star Solution The problem for Epsilon was not creating a powerful energy generation device but doing so while hiding his true capabilities. For some time, he was immersed in putting the right compositions in place. ‘Star Panel’ ‘Knowledge 1’ ‘A solar cell panel, solar electric panel, photo-voltaic (PV) module or just solar panel is an assembly …