Chapter 96: Girl’s shopping could only be done with girls.

Chapter of the week: 2/2 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker Going back a little bit in time, three pretty girls were leisurely walking inside a certain shopping mall. “Where are we going next?” “Let’s see…” “I want to see some clothes.” They gave the impression of a model as the three of them were chatting with each other with comfort. …

Chapter 95: The innocence of a child could turn into a dangerous weapon sometimes.

Chapter of the week: 1/2 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker The following night. I was laying on my bed after coming back from the island as I waited for the fatigue to heal. “Haa, I’m feeling alive again…” The feeling of the bed gently taking me on; it felt better than usual since I went through many things today. Ah~ …

Chapter 94: A girl’s power at times like this is immense.

Chapter of the week: 2/2 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker The ambiance around us continued to feel awkward for a while after Meru’s indiscreet question, but we all headed to the sea while to trying to forget about it. “So what are we going to do?” Right before she stepped into sea water, Saya stopped in her place and asked. …

Chapter 93: First siblings’ cooperation

Chapter of the week: 1/2 Translator: Reizenchuu Editor: Kenny Stryker After settling down with Metron’s case, we went back to the beach and resumed the sea bathing that we started when we first arrived to the island. “This place is splendid.” With a daunting pose, I gazed at the ocean unfolding before my eyes. The sunlight reflecting against the water …

Chapter 92: People lose their coolness when they get confused.

After getting teleported outside the ruin, Saya and the other girls got bewildered for a moment. “Huh? This place…” “We’re outside the ruin.” “So we were teleported here?” Judging from the overgrown grass and the trees surrounding them, they came up to that conclusion since they recognized that place. Taking a look at her surroundings, Saya searched in her memories …

Chapter 91: I’m not hitting on you.

I’m not hitting on you. After getting my revenge, I was forcibly teleported back to the ruin. “Ah, Yato-kun!” “You’re back.” Saya and Karen were the first to notice my return. They raised their voice, making Lina and Sara also realize that I returned and came near me to check on my safety. “Did you get hurt somewhere?” “How did …

Chapter 90: He is a God level in getting tricked.

Hey everyone! the second chapter of “Yato bullying Metron” is finally here. if the last chapter wasn’t enough for you, then this one will definitely be. As a side note though; a note which is for you, and for anyone who’s reading this novel or any other novel should consider as important (please), I noticed that a few websites; one …

Chapter 89: Pleased to meet you; now let me hit you.

We’re finally there! just how long did I personally wait for this very chapter. Please enjoy reading it; and fear not, the next chapter will be even better! -Reizenchuu Editor’s Note:- I’ve changed the format a little bit, I’ve cut down excessive line-breaks in the chapters. Please give me your views on this new change. Also let me know, if …

Chapter 88: Even a crime wouldn’t be scary if we did it together.

Herro, so I’ve finally got an editor to help me correct my embarrassing mistakes. Yeey! you can now read less messed up chapters thanks to them. how could this be any better!? -Reizenchuu Editor note: Hello, I’m Kenny, the new editor for the novel. I’m so overwhelmed to be given this opportunity, I hope to live up to readers’ expectations …

Chapter 87: Magic is as convenient as usual.

Magic is as convenient as usual. Hello, since I don’t have an editor to help me out with my chapters for 2 months now and I’ve already had enough of fixing my chapters alone, I’m wondering if anyone here following the series would be willing to be the new editor. the only condition for applying is to be good at …