Bathing With Bracha

Chapter 28 : Camping With BrachaWithin two hours time the trio made their way to a clearing off the beaten path. They also set up a campsite, complete with a campfire, log seats and a tent– just in case they decided to stay the night. “When spending time outside of the cities you must be very wary that you do …

Shopping With Bracha

Chapter 27 : Shopping With Bracha Agni could feel her heart pounding as hundreds of thick white wisps of energy drew her towards Sprim Row. The lure was so powerful that she had slowly begun to lose herself. Especially, she took notice of an older mature woman standing just inside the gate. Shiny, long black hair which reached down to …

Apprentice Adventurers

Chapter 26 : Apprentice Adventurers “So, let’s talk about your goals — namely, what are they?” Bracha asked as she continued her lesson. Agni felt lost upon hearing the question. This was not something she really considered given the short amount of time as a resident of Adventia. Agni wouldn’t really consider personality to be self oriented. In many ways …

Rune Master

Chapter 25 : Rune MasterThe moment Bracha finished introducing herself a couple of alerts appeared for both Katrin and Agni. [Quest Completed : Trainer’s Tutelage][Reward : 1,500 XP][You’ve reached level 9.] “Ah, that was a big chunk of experience!” Katrin said, surprised by the sudden alert. She lifted her hands reflexively before slowly placing them down again as a soft …

Level 7 Blues

Chapter 23 : Level 7 Blues All in all, Agni reached level seven due to the morning’s sexual escapades. Unfortunately what she ended up losing as a result didn’t seem comparable. It was now mid morning and it seemed they both overslept. That wasn’t necessarily a bad thing given all the energy they spent just hours ago– they were bound …


“How dare you storm into my Chapel, you impudent stripling. Did you think opposing me would be easy?” The rotund man’s monocled face formed into a sneer as he gazed down at Agni with furious indignation. The cigar hanging at the edge of his lips smoldered bright red as he inhaled the smoke from his stogie. He lifted his foot, …


The sight of the threesome sent a complicated mix of emotions through Katrin. She first struggled to process the scene, her mouth agape as she dropped one of her scrolls. She quickly pressed herself against a nearby tree and continued to peek into the clearing six meters away. Her chest felt somewhat heavy as her heart pounded, adrenaline flooding her …

Wakey Wakey

Chapter 20 : Wakey Wakey Almost as soon as Agni made herself comfortable near the fire she drifted off into sleep. Her body was much more tired than she realized and she quickly fell into a deep, restful sleep — except…. “Agni. Agni..” Agni awoke to the sensation of being gently shaken. She opened her eyes and looked about, only …

Soul Snatching 101

Chapter 21 : Soul Snatching 101 Agni was so busy being undressed by Purscha that she paid little attention to Abeni’s actions. All that she knew was that the sensation of stimulation ended for a short few moments. The second Agni’s chest plate was removed, she felt a firm tugging on her hips which caused her body to slide across …

Haze The Succubus

Chapter 19 : Haze The Succubus “Ha ha ha ha! WHAT?” Abeni shouted as she gripped her stomach and burst out laughing. Agni expected this sort of response, she was somewhat mentally prepared as well but it still made her ears burn with embarrassment. Katrin’s jaw dropped as she immediately whispered “O-oh my..” Kitai’s cheeks grew extremely flush while Purscha …