Chapter 28: A Magical Night (Part 1)

In that night, everyone finally had some time to relax. “All right. Let’s go to sleep, today was a damn tiring day…” → Gregor In the room with me, Gregor and Ronald, Gregor closed the lights and prepared to go to bed. “…Um. I think I’ll go to the bathroom first. Don’t wait for me, I’m not yet that sleepy.” …

Chapter 27: Unexpected Meeting

His meridians… were completely wrecked… I couldn’t think straight anymore. The only person that I was able to call ‘Brother’ in this world was crippled and might not be able to recover, ending up staying at a level 1 forever. I had bruises all over the place, one arm was broken, 2 ribs were shattered and I had a huge …

Chapter 26: Dragon versus Kraken

Finally, the tentacles were right before the ship and started to grasp it when. “Everyone! Prepare to attack!” → Gregor Gregor used [Axe Kick] with full power on a huge tentacle that tried to get on board and grab me while I was meditating. The tentacle got almost severed, looking now like a broken tail. “WHOOOONNGGGG~~~!” The Kraken got furious …

Chapter 25: New Limits

Haah… I finished with one problem. haha~ thank you, Sylvia. I almost lost myself there. → Shen No problem, I’ll always be by your side so don’t be afraid of losing control, I’ll be sure to hold your heart while you’ll protect us all. → Sylvia   Sylvia’s sweet voice resounded in my head.   I want us to meet …

Chapter 24: One-Man Army

“Haah…”   I exhaled and looked in front. I was on top of a mountain, looking down on the crater I just created and at the army of mercenaries and players that fought with my golems at the edge. Before I started talking with Sylvia, the commander of this army used a voice intensifying magic to throw blames about how …

Chapter 23: Accept Your Weakness

After telling us what Shen had to say, she left toward her room and continued the conversation with him.   B-but why? What happened? → Sylvia   Sylvia felt the uneasiness in Shen’s heart, making her worry.   For God sake woman, can you stop worrying for once? I’ll become stronger and help the four races so stop sweating over …

Chapter 22: Start Sailing

A few moments back in time, after the telepathic conversation between me, Shen and Sylvia ended. From the City of Valor to the Marine City, the most eastern city from the Vestria continent, it would take us 2 days while going with the carriage. In the middle of the two cities, there is a village in which we can stay …

Chapter 21: Shu’s Book: Forbidden Knowledge

“You are from the Eihwaz continent, a demon, my dear disciple and Old Shu’s adopted grandson. Also, the one who is loved by my other disciples and a very talented kid who will become one of the strongest beings in this world. Any other questions?” → Shen   I answered as plainly as possible. I was surprised by Theo’s sudden …

Chapter 20: Not of same blood, is more than that

“Aww~”   The girls felt disappointed by the sudden end of the class. I was truly shocked by their reactions.   The phase ‘class is over’ should sound like heavenly bells, why are they so disappointed? → Shen   After I finished telling them all of this and taught Melinda some flying magic, I left to my room to write …

Chapter 19: How Everything Began

Love the races… Well, I can say that he doesn’t hate them but he’s not naive enough to keep them too close. He trusts nobody. Even though he’ll give anything to anyone, he’ll accept no one in his heart. That’s why I said that he has a heart of stone. When he meets someone he feels like loving, he might …