Chapter 113- Grand Adventure: The Tournament Part 6

KMega6KMegacharacter rode down the wavy road on the back of a generic and not special horse that the tournament automatically spawned. However, when it came to a stop, the ten other horses KMega brought along as cavalry stopped as well. He then gave a signal to hold and defend this position before giving one of the NPC’s his horse’s reins. …

Chapter 112- Grand Adventure: The Tournament Part 5

Terrar entered a tournament as a mercenary for a guild from the Markwell Empire. With his access to military grade gear and high-rank skills, he had been an advantageous asset for the team. The money required to rent the gear, however, came from them. In the end, they formed a team of fourteen mid-one-hundred front line rankers with complete epic …

Chapter 111- Grand Adventure: The Tournament Part 4

Berry careful watched her surroundings, knowing that she was the front-line defense against attackers. Nevertheless, she was truly honored to be on this battlefield created by the gods. Unlike her, the NPC soldiers only had a generic AI and were soulless beings. However, they still had value due to the faith they produced, which strengthened her and Yowlo. When she …

Chapter 110- Grand Adventure: The Tournament Part 3

When Astrid7Astridcharacter and Berry teleported, Yowlo took to the sky. They picked alternatives beforehand in case they got a bad spawn, but they were rather fortunate that they weren’t far from the woods. Asgaber also vanished, but she didn’t go very far. Her role was to counterattack until they secured the enemies flag. 112% had a flintlock pistol and several …

Chapter 109- Grand Adventure: The Tournament Part 2

When Sword Kingdom came out, Emma easily beat the newest speedrun record, so she had a lot of free time. When she learned that the main team will be playing it, she made her own character. However, she was still a beginner when it comes to VR. She tried to fight like a normal person dozens of times in the …

Chapter 108- Grand Adventure: The Tournament Part 1

Astrid7Astridcharacter and KMega6KMegacharacter arrived at the tournament area half an hour before scheduled. They were a little surprised that Emma and Elsa were already here, but they were even more surprised that they brought a martian cosplayer with them. He paused nervously after seeing KMega and Astrid before looking away. After the security check, KMega’s party met up with Elsa’s. …

Chapter 107- Grand Adventure: Emma

Elsa ran off with Emma to the food court just like Astrid7Astridcharacter did with KMega6KMegacharacter. “What do you want to eat first?” (Elsa) Since Elsa has been in the GSP for about a year now and mostly interacted with Winter and Emma, she knew them fairly well. When Emma walked her over to a waffle stand, she wasn’t surprised in …

Chapter 106- Grand Adventure: Astrid and Kevin

Even though Astrid7Astridcharacter was in a hurry to see the display, that didn’t mean that she was going to drag KMega6KMegacharacter straight there. After entering the building and getting their ID’s checked, they started touring the different booths. Their first stop was emergency survival kits for space travel that increase your survivability in the vacuum of space for about five …

Chapter 105- Grand Adventure: Arrival

Astrid7Astridcharacter glanced at KMega6KMegacharacter every now and then as they continued forward. When they eventually arrived, she waited until everyone disembarked because she wanted to tell him something. “I don’t mind what happened last night. If you like her more than my IRL self, I won’t hold a grudge.” (Astrid) KMega blushed as he looked away. “Astrid, I….” (KMega) His …

Chapter 104- What Happened?

KMega6KMegacharacter woke up with the sun shining through the window and hitting his face. His first thought when he opened his eyes was that this wasn’t his room. That thought only lasted for a moment though before he noticed a woman’s golden hair on his chest. He then tried to move, but his wrists were in handcuffs and his feet …