Chapter 17 – Resistance Play

White filled my vision. When I realized that it was a “light”, I closed my eyes at once and retreated backwards. Next, I felt a hot air blowing and it slightly grazed my skin. Just slightly behind, I heard a sound of a burning fire. “……” Just a few seconds after those surprising words. Fearfully, I jumped with open eyes, …

Chapter 16 – Snake

※This time, it is delicately serious. Receiving stares from the people around is an unavoidable part when spending lunch with Gilbert Kralvane. Those who look because they know the “famous person” and those who look because they do not know the “good-looking person”. Curiosity, envy, longing, jealousy, and fear. I thought that the stares directed at “him” roughly said so. …

Chapter 15 – Losing Too Much Attention

Several days later, nothing much happened and the days went by peacefully. Rather, there is absolutely nothing wrong. Anyway, I had lunch with Senpai every day. I shouldn’t say something like peaceful. Ugh, I’m scared of getting used to it… My classmates, who initially directed their curiosity towards us, also seemed to have become accustomed as well. Whenever they see …


※Gilbert’s roommate, Elliot’s POV “Six years ago, I thought my roommate is a bit irritating.” For whatever I said, somehow my classmates responded with a startled expression and the subject of my complaint said. “After such a long time?! Is that how big your heart is?!!” ……Gil, it sounds like you are supposed to be an amazing person. It was …

Chapter 14 – Fun Lunch 3

“…Which reminds me, I was pushed down by you the first time we met.” I casually those words murmured and Senpai in front of me got choked and violently coughed and made the spoon in his hand dance in the air several times. …To the point that he became absentminded, this person’s hand is dexterous. We’re sitting at a sunny …

Chapter 13 – Calling It Progress or Calling It Failure

Today, the sun that is also brilliantly shining and the beautiful blue sky hurts my eyes. Although it is said that it is a fine weather that blesses the beginning of the young people’s day, but a female academy student is wearing a gloomy aura like fog for some reason. “…There’s no sign of the enemy. Meryl, it’s okay to …


※This is a story on Gilbert’s side. A few moments before the girls are being troubled. At the dining hall of the men’s dormitory, which is two-minute walk away, the academy students… the last year level (sixth year) students are at lost for words. Certain people are thinking about how to call out, and some of them gave up as …


※ Meryl’s POV → Monica’s POV. The POV changes with breakpoints. “Hey, Meryl. Where in this conversation should I insert tsukkomi?” “P-Please be gentle as much as possible.” After the academy was completely locked, Monica, who failed to join me, eventually came back to the dormitory later than me. It seems that she talked to someone who gathers information. When …

Chapter 12 – Past, Preference and Perplexity

※This time, it is a little bit longer. I think that “parting ways” is certainly a sad thing. I never had a lover, and I don’t know how it feels to have to end a relationship with a special person, a person I like. Even if it is not the first time, it will always be a sad thing. If …

Chapter 10 – Tried to Flirt

The world really does not go the same. There are probably a lot of people who want to see him. Why, why does he keep on associating with me when I don’t even want to see him from the bottom of my heart?! “Meryl?” A distance not even a half step away, he leaned towards me and tilted his head. …