Chapter 19- Suan, First Day

Suan was thrilled to have the opportunity to train under a six winged angel, so she was pleasantly surprised when she heard the news. She started thinking about how her new teacher was a newlywed, but no wedding had been performed at the altars. She didn’t let that distract her from studying the maps she was told to look over …

Chapter 18- Mr. Demon and Mrs. Angel

David rolled out of bed as he let the angel stay asleep. The sex was such a waste of energy for him, but it was well worth it in end. Her look of happiness made him realize that his divine shield plans were firmly in place. Though a small consolidation in his life, the demon in him enjoyed that his …

Chapter 17- Deceptive Love

David came out of the shadows and into the light, then gently wrapped his arms around Lousphy. “I was so afraid that you would reject me because of my demon needs.” (David) David kissed her cheek and backed away, then held her hand. “I’m so sorry Lousphy, but I had to know that you would accept the demon in me, …

Chapter 16- Compromise of Nature

(author note: sorry about the delay of chapter… I scheduled the chapter on the wrong day)   David looked at Luna in a new light. He knew four generations went into his father’s first dragon. Though he is long dead, Luna’s great-grandfather’s soul still resides in the Supreme Overlord’s favorite ring. Her ancestor’s sperm is still sealed within the vaults …

Chapter 15- Treaty of D&L

Luna arrived back in time for the most important matter that wasn’t directly and immediately important to the realm. She moved beside David, then moved her head to be rubbed by him. He obliged her happily as he overlooked the tablet. Everything that he thought of since he first talked to Lousphy at this moment was discussed by him and …

Chapter 14- Unconditional Conditions

Lousphy left the demon be, then also left the cave. Upon seeing the light of the new day, she noticed that many of the demon’s workers were busy around her, with Luna directing them. There was a table right next to her with floor plans placed all over the top of it, and a foreman looking them over. Strangely, out …

Chapter 13- First Date

Lousphy looked confused as she answered. “I told you…, I don’t eat meat.” (Lousphy) David looked at her thin physique. Her bright thin clothes presented her features as sexy to mortal men. David also cared about her looks, but he was looking toward her spirit now. “I don’t only eat meat. It’s only a part of my diet, I can …

Chapter 12- Demonic Wedding Bells

David opened his eyes, and he had a headache that made him think that he spent the last thirty years on a never ending bender. After a few moments of continuous concentration that took nearly a minute to achieve, it was gone. David got out of bed, not caring that he had been stripped naked, then moved to splash water …

Chapter 11- Innocent Lure

Chapter Eleven- Innocent Lure   Sir Ralph was deep in thought when he passed back through his divine gate. The demon’s reactions were puzzling to him. He was powerful, much more than a regular demon in a normal state. He could easily conquer other demon realms, but he wanted to cower behind his divine shield instead. He surely knows something. …

Chapter 10: Divine Judgement

Chapter Ten- Divine Judgment   The judges watched the memories go past. It was amazing that anyone actually supported her. Among them, none of them had done such a thing and those were only the ones at their rank and below that could have supported her. The memory wasn’t a lie either, the truth supported what she remembered. Lousphy rested …