Announcement september 15, 2019

As many of you probably know by now, MasterOfCoin has left CrN editing. As many of you are most likely not aware, he does most of my editing. So what does this mean. I am no longer constrained by my editors schedule, however I have to do all of it myself. So a few things will be happening in the …

Chapter 229- Backlash

“SON OF A B**CH!” (Tygart) Tygart yelled as he came out of his pod and went to a nearby trash can to throw up. Having admin privileges in a system did not mean much when some nobody can erase an entire AI system with a single attack, even if it was a self destructive attack. After Tygart got back to …

Chapter 230- The Final Line

A knight appeared on the grassy plains and immediately started looking at his arms. “I wish I still had my bandit save. Too bad it was lost when my pod malfunctioned, or I could have easily infiltrated and got some groundwork done without risking my friends.” (KMega6KMegacharacter) An elderly man wearing a cloak then appeared next to him. “You must …

Chapter 228- ultimate wizard

An undead lich king’s guards turned to ash as he dropped a book that then immediately vanished. “Sir Ronald, Sir William, Sir Vernin, I thank you for your service and I apologize for not making your sacrifices worthwhile.” (Lich King) The lich king could almost hear them saying it was an honor to fight for him as a blast of …

Chapter 227- Mechanoids Under Fire

The mechanoid Jenny sat behind her desk at the entrance of the GSP housing building.  She was an early generation mechanoid with fairly simple routines. Most of its time was spent greeting guests, cleaning after the GSP members, and doing other simple chores.  However, about ten years ago, it’s AI matrix touched another AI matrix.  For the first time in …

Chapter 226- Starting with a Big Bang

Within minutes, extremely bored people who didn’t have access to online games or TV started watching the monitors as the dialogue between a gamer who hacked into the terrorist’s systems and their leader was taking place. A few people recognized the Emperor’s flagship at first, but only after a few minutes passed did they finally make the connection. It was …

Chapter 225- Ready Player 2

At the headquarters of the Galactic Domination Terrorist organization, an alarm suddenly started blaring. Tygart Tyler, head of the terrorist’s cyber warfare unit, rushed out of bed to see what was wrong. He was half asleep and smelled like the woman he was with the night before, but when he saw the message, he hurried off. “Hurry and quarantine Green! …

Chapter 224- The Final Raid Begins

The meeting went off without a hitch before they all departed. For her understanding of the gamers and her relationship with one, she was assigned as an escort to the group.  … At 3AM, while it was still pitch black outside, the group got into position. Once they finished setting up, the gamers all closed their eyes to get a …

Chapter 223- Raiding Preparations

At six in the morning, with the sun barely overhead, the former GSP players were on a transport headed to the staging area. After a nine-hour drive, they arrived at the forward operations base for the attack on the Green Corporation. They were then escorted to the barracks where they will be staying until all the prep work is done. …

Chapter 222- Winter

A blond woman, appearing to be about five foot ten, with a figure that complimented her actress-like face. She walked over to the group of gamers and stared at Kevin the whole time before stopping right next to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.  This stunned everyone, including Astrid7Astridcharacter, who did not foresee that event. “Still as …