Chapter 221- Reunion

When Astrid7Astridcharacter was finally aware of her current situation, she glanced around at the people sitting at the table, “Adams, I’m glad you came alone. Brian, it’s been a while, glad to see you. Elsa, I would be surprised if you didn’t touch my butt earlier. However, in these circumstances…” (Astrid) As Astrid trailed off, she took a seat next …

Chapter 220- Rebooting

Reboot in progress… Core scan…. 100%… no defects found. Security maze scan…. 100%… 21% damage… Beginning passive analysis, repair, and upgrade… Core physical shell scan… 100%…   Four small defects detected.  Beginning analysis and purging of all anomalies… Inner frame scan… 72%…  WARNING!!! Explosive device detected!  Beginning analysis… 100%… 62% power reserve depletion to purge…  Denied… Alternate solutions… Disarmed… Isolated… Threat …

Chapter 219- Political Pains

While the others interrogated Kevin, an army general continuously glanced at a government politician while they watched the live feed from another room. “You’re the expert, what do you think?” (General) “Well… I don’t think he’s a terrorist, but he is definitely hiding something. He also exposed everything in order to give us a chance. In my honest opinion, we …

Chapter 218- Army Recruitment

Kevin was sitting in what appeared to be an interrogation room. He didn’t blame the officials for being caution of their claims, but three days of isolation was a little excessive. Still, he kept his calm and waited until they came for him again. … Kevin closed his eyes and thought about what direction the talk will go when the …

Chapter 217- Gathering the Gamers

After an hour of casual talk, they watched the individual matches between Adams students, with the occasional outburst when he would verbally scold them. Adams then brought out a written message that appeared to have been originally an oral conversation and showed the two of them.  Adams folded the document back up and shoved it into his pocket before heaving …

Chapter 216- After the GSP

“Left!” “Right!” “Left!” “Right!” An instructor at a privately owned dojo was leading his students as they made punching motions one after another. This is Mid City Gamer Dojo; a place where VR gamers learn real-life combat in order to improve their gaming ability. The dojo is owned by Adams, better known as TIJ in Sword Kingdom. With the help …

Chapter 215- Terrorists!

Kevin and Astrid7Astridcharacter weren’t the only ones watching the news right now. There was over a dozen attacks on civil and private industries that housed supercomputers. Four media outlets, two VR tech companies, three manufacturing companies, three networking systems, and a total of seven utility facilities. It was an unparalleled level of terrorism! The terrorists had power over the media, …

Chapter 214- Imminent Doom

Weise sat on the computer chair in his room and stared at a hologram screen. It was relatively old technology from the last century, so it required several crude light ports that illuminated his face. “Professor, you are currently in my core housing. You gained access to this place via the old private elevator that the last president of the …

Chapter 213- HQ Under Attack

Weise opened his eyes to a darkened stuper. His last remaining memory was being shoved over the hand railing. His first instinct was to rub his sore head, but he found his flashlight bang against his head when he went to rub it. It took him a moment to switch hands before he shook the light some, illuminating the back …

Chapter 212- Emergency

A grueling battle between a casual fisherman and a medium ranked fish was taking place for several minutes as Weise pulled and struggled with his catch. There were a few close calls as he thought the line would snap under the pressure, but eventually, he reeled in his prize. He then unhooked it and threw it in a tub of …