Chapter 17: Taboo Attribute.

Sparks. The beaker started to produce electrical sparks where the woman stuck her hand. The electricity starts to arc more and more and the chains appeared more and more often. Soon the beaker was a constant vat of electricity visible to the naked eye. Then it started to spin. It spun so far it became nothing but a blur of …

Chapter 16: Energy Manipulation and Attribute.

As we enter the room, we noticed the room was well protected. The walls seemed strongly reinforced and the furniture were all made of the strongest metals. [Jones]: Come now y’all, gather round that there table. After everyone has settled down and found a spot to sit, we looked at the table in the middle of the room. On it …

Chapter 15: Participants and Gifts.

Shin stares at the pamphlet in his hands and then slowly entered the hospital room. In the bed lies his wife, Kate. She had taken shots to several major internal organs when a drug bust went wrong and is now in a coma surviving only on life support. She was a cop and was everything to him. He would gladly …

Chapter 14: Tragedy and Hope.

Things happened and two years later Kate got into college and I followed her to the city. I was in culinary school and she was studying law. After she graduated, she joined the police force following in her dad’s footsteps. I too opened a restaurant of my own called -Imperial Wu-. We got married a year later, had a small …

Chapter 13: Beginnings of a mentor and friend.

Simon had an Uncle on Noxia. He worked at a church. Charles Wu, Simon’s uncle raised a man who would become Crule’s teacher and best of friends. ______ My father figure once said, “Love is eternal, thus love is worth dying for.” I didn’t truly believe this until now. Staring outside of the vat through the small window I looked …

Arc1 Epilogue.

Every year, a representative of the prisoner was elected. It used to be Simon but he disappeared during his last mining trip so his Co-leader Lewis took over. Every month, the representative have to meet with the warden to make a progress report. Of course the representative can make demands and hope the warden accepts it. Demands may include things …

Chapter 12: Escape.

  Not everything on the Rig was full of dust and rust. There was one room that was always clean. This was the room of Warden Brandon. [Brandon]: So how many guards are we missing this time? [Guard]: A total of six. Brandon rubbed his temples trying to levitate the migraine he got. He slammed his palm on the desk. …

Chapter 11: An old friend.

[Girl on the cross]: How do you know who I am? The only ones who know who I am in my current form are the assholes who sealed me here. [Crule]: Let’s just say we have met before. The girl was very suspicious. [Girl on the cross]: I think I would have remember someone who looked so evil and you …

Chapter 10: Queen and demon.

The Queen lied in her nest. Surrounding her were pieces of unknown flesh and metal pieces and tools. Only the indigestible things were left. She only have to lay her eggs once a month so she was not in danger for most of the time since she was vulnerable during egg laying. Hive security is at maximum during that time …

Chapter 9: Massacre

Doing a few stretches and a few quick slashed of his dagger, Crule tested his current strength. [Crule]: It seems due to my age, I can only use 10% of my power without causing harm to my body and growth. Focusing his power to the dagger, he cut the wall of the tunnel. It sliced through the rock as if …