Chapter 33- Competition

KMega6KMegacharacter watched the following match with curiosity while wondering if he would have to fight eighteen more matches against the empire. Sure enough, the empire won the next round as well. The next person to step up was someone from Westguard wearing much heavier armor then KMega wore. He also had a double bladed battle ax. Contrary to the armor …

Chapter 32- First Match

  The tournament bracket tried to be as fair as possible for every participant. With the empire with an understandable advantage in numbers, a reserve bracket was also made. When one nation would had a matchup between two of it’s warriors at the same time, someone can yield their spot to another. The one that yields will then move to …

Chapter 31- Opening Ceremony

[Tournament of the era’s first war.   You have been chosen to be the champion of Eastguard. The higher you place in the rankings, the Eastguard will receive more benefits. Rewards are locked and cannot be changed. Bets on yourself will only pay out when you win that match. Only one assistant is permitted, and this individual will carry your …

Chapter 30- Tournament Opening Ceremony

It wasn’t hard for the three of them to find the gathering spot of the Eastguard camp. Along with a few familiar npc’s, there were a lot of new ones and a few players. Many of them looked at the three in amazement. “Eastguard’s champion.” (Surprised Eastguard Person) Those were the words they heard. Some said that in the background …

Chapter 29- Rules Of Engagement

War was fun to a certain degree, especially for gamers. As there is none, or at least just a few real world effects. It settles conflicts and lets people get their frustrations out of their system. Most wars are settled in a few months. However, when war begins to increase in the scale of bloodshed, it then starts taking longer. …

Chapter 28- Time Passes

Six months have passed in game since KMega6KMegacharacter captured Jork fortress. In that time, events in the game have continued to move forward. The emergence of the prince of Eastguard, the counterattack on the empire’s invasion, the release of the companion system, and the game’s expansion. However, perhaps the biggest thing was the raids on the empire’s slave camps. Hundreds …

Chapter 27- Move Out

It wasn’t only KMega6KMegacharacter that grew a liking to the young dragon4dragonspecies. Many of the soldiers remember her as a child and a infant, so they treated her like a treasured idol. She brought a smile and a warmth to them. This is in fact from KMega’s karma stat. This stat is affected by all the deeds he’s done since …

Chapter 26- Changes

Astrid7Astridcharacter was wrapped around her brother happily. His scent pleased her and his glow made her heart flutter. With the adult setting currently on, KMega6KMegacharacter could have taken advantage of her at any time. His reluctance to see her naked led him to believe that he wasn’t ready for that type of relationship. In fact, her AI found it cute. …

Chapter 25- Astrid

KMega6KMegacharacter laid down in his private room with his ‘little sister’. Over the week while they occupied the fortress, she had grown into a full teenage adult like he is. At a height of just under five and a half feet tall, red hair and crimson eyes with a size that made you think she weighed less than a hundred …

Chapter 24- Momentum

KMega6KMegacharacter was mentally and physically exhausted. He intended to die in the raid and leave it behind him. However, circumstances lead to their victory with minimal casualties. His desire to stay grew even more when he learned that Yirk was still alive. With his senior knight in his corner, and the appreciation of the others he rescued and their loyalty, …