Chapter 26: Gaian Garuda Steak.

The set off in the cover of night. With the advancement in propulsion technology, the ship can travel at Mach speeds without causing much sound. The inside of the ship was balanced via gyroscopic technology. The front of the ship in front was the cockpit. A large reinforced glass window covered the front allowing for a wide view of everything …

Chapter 25: Beauxi

Crule, Shin, Kate, and Chun Qin spent the next few days recovering from the fights and to train. Shin took the chance to spar with Chun Qin several times. At first, Chun Qin’s defense was far too powerful for Shin to do anything but after a few days they were on par. Shin’s use of the spear improved to the …

Arc2 Epilogue.

[Secretary]: Mr. President, I have the files on the participants. [Grimly]: Good, leave it on the table. Thanks Brenda. [Brenda]: No problem Mr. President. Grimly was looked out his window. He was at the headquarters of where the Game will be managed. It was a large floating fortress of a ship. It monitors and manages the Antagonist Games. They were …

Chapter 24: Shin and Kate.

The couple sat at the window of the ship. Kate was resting on Shin’s shoulder. [Kate]: What should we do now honey? [Shin]: I don’t know… [Kate]: That kid was cute. [Shin]: You mean Crule? I don’t think we can call him a kid… [Kate]: Yea, he is cute, but his eyes show he has seen some horrible things in …

Chapter 23: The Past or Future.

  The ship Crule took from Warden Brandon had a med bay. It wasn’t anything fancy but it had a bed and first aid tools. Crule pressed the button on the key and the door opened. They quickly went in and closed the door. Shin carefully placed the cocoon on the bed. [Crule]: Let me take a look at her …

Chapter 22: Victory or defeat.

Crule and Hanuman kept clashing fists. No one seem to have the upper hand. Shockwave after shockwave blasted the room. The room was completely destroyed and was slowly being shaped into a sphere. Somehow Viktor was able to withstand the shockwaves although he doesn’t seem to have an aura around him. Shin was protected by his own aura and Kate …

Chapter 21: Battle between True General ranks.

Crule pin pointed Shin’s aura. [Crule]: He actually is quite easy to find. What is making him use so much energy? He quickened his pace dashing through the halls. No one else was there to stop him. ______ [Shin]: Something feels wrong. He felt the energy drain from him at a rapid pace. It wasn’t fast enough to fully drain …

Chapter 20: Power.

Brunic stepped up with his arms crossed. [Brunic]: I’m feeling kind today kid, I’ll give you one hit first. He spread his rich explosive aura over his body. [Brunic]: Come at me boy! Crule thought to himself. [Crule]: This is a good chance to get some physical practice. This body of mine still lacks the proper training to gain my …

Chapter 19: Rescue.

Crule heard from stories about his teacher’s past that he used to be a chef and his wife use to be a police woman. He wandered the city trying to track down the restaurant. Then he found it. The red illuminated sign saying “Imperial Wu” hanged in front of the place. The sign on the door said it was closed. …

Chapter 18: Deal and Clothes.

Jones put his finger to this ear piece and whispered. Moments later, the man in the grey suit entered the room. [Man in the grey suit]: Mr. Wu, come with me, it’s time to finish our side of the bargain. Shin knew it was time to save Kate but he was still cautious that the man came after he have …