Chapter 276: You Scoundrel!

“You are truly angering me to death! I’m going to fight you!” Ning Xue wasn’t able to win the debate against Cheng Yu. So, she wanted to destroy the meat in Cheng Yu’s hand to get her revenge. With a shout, she charged over. “Ah! Why is Senior Sister attacking him?” All of Ning Xue’s senior and junior sisters had …

Chapter 275: I’m Going to Fight You!

“Junior Sister, look at how that woman is flirting with that scoundrel again! It’s so damn vexing watching them,” Hearing Cheng Yu and Tian Xue quarrelling in front, Ning Xue voiced her dissatisfaction. “How is that related to me when they are flirting?” Ning Wushuang took a quick glance at Cheng Yu. Although she wasn’t related to Cheng Yu, to …

Chapter 274: Finding Sisters for my Wives!

“Alright then. Both of your teams can follow me!” Cheng Yu spoke to them. “Thank you, Brother Cheng Yu!” Obtaining Cheng Yu’s approval, Ning Yan and Ling Hai thanked him joyfully. “Brother Cheng Yu, then can they…” Noticing how ugly Wu Ming’s expression was, Ning Yan felt quite apologetic to them. Regardless whatever the reason was, since the start they …

Chapter 273: Roping In!

“Is there anything else, small steamed bun?” Cheng Yu turned around, chuckling at Ning Wushuang. “You…where are you guys heading?” Seeing how her senior and junior sisters were all giggling at her actions, Ning Wushuang turned embarrassed by the situation. “Of course I am seeking more treasures. You should be more careful. We shall meet again if the opportunity arises!” …

Chapter 272: Not Even a Move!

“I’m already so famous? Everyone knows of me?” Cheng Yu was surprised, but he didn’t pay much heed to it. After all, he had been seen escaping from ten Golden Core Realm expert before. For them to know of him wasn’t shocking. However, the person Tian Xue had addressed as Senior Brother Wu Ming had caused him to feel some …

Chapter 271: You Are Cheng Yu?

While Cheng Yu managed to open up the hidden chamber, all the strange phenomenons happening within the forest had disappeared. “What’s going on? Why has the scenery changed?” A lot of them who had charged into the forest were all confused by the strange phenomenon. No matter how they walked, they would still find themselves returning to their original locations. …

Chapter 270: Found It!

Cheng Yu inserted the Blue-Heart key into the keyhole with the altar drawings. The drawings lit up in dazzling radiance and the only part that wasn’t lit up were the thirteen symbols located outside of the five areas respectively. Cheng Yu flew towards the blue spiritual lamp and turned each and every one. Among the nine passages, eight shut themselves …

Chapter 269: Back Again?

“My biggest regret is that I did not have sex with my wives!” Cheng Yu reminisced about his women as he spoke. “You have wives?” Tian Xue was shocked as she inquired. “I’m so out of the ordinary, elegant and romantic. How can I not have any wives?” After interacting for so long, if Cheng Yu was still unable to …

Chapter 268: Biggest Regret?

Inside a strange passage, a big cauldron was still flying continuously. “Senior Sister, now that we have gotten rid of all those monkeys, there shouldn’t be anymore appearing in half an hour, right?” Tian Xing looked at Cheng Yu sitting at the side recovering, he questioned Tian Xue worriedly. Although he didn’t join the battle, after witnessing so many Golden …

Chapter 267: An Inevitable Battle

“Demonic beasts! Quickly look! So many demonic beasts!” Just when Tian Xing wanted to inquire more about the Secular World from Cheng Yu, large amounts of demonic beasts appeared within the passage! “Why would there be so many demonic beasts?” Cheng Yu voiced out his astonishment. “Can we even ram our way through so many of them?” Tian Xue was …