Chapter 133- Foreign Aid Support

Luke watched as KMega6KMegacharacter decked Prince Harry with one punch. Truth be told, it isn’t wise for anyone to make enemies right now. KMega then cast a healing spell on the prince before looking at Luke. “While we wait for the Senate, I wish to know your opinion.” (KMega) Luke stepped over Harry as they walked over to the table …

Chapter 132- The Fall of the Union

Luke, the Prince of Southguard, a dual sword wielder. He and several others that were beaten within an inch of their lives by the demons entered the hall, waking up several Eastguard soldiers that were already vacating the drunk people from the room so the injured can have some space. Having recognized him, KMega6KMegacharacter stood up and walked over. Luke …

Chapter 131- The Demon War with Eastguard’s Allies

When KMega6KMegacharacter woke up, he took a shower before making everyone breakfast and chatting with them. Once KMega started talking with Winter, she became surprisingly warm and kind. As if a penalty in their relationship was over, Winter did a 180 and wouldn’t shut up. When Adams and Brian tried to sneak out for some martial arts training, KMega asked …

Chapter 130- After Battle Rewards

Since her target was deceased, Astrid7Astridcharacter redirected the gathered magic to start clearing the demonic miasma around them. She then took a knee because of exhaustion. She was just expecting to make a few weapons, but she wound up fighting for her life instead. After taking a moment to catch her breath, she caught Lazar staring at her as he …

Chapter 129- To Slay A Dragon

[You used ‘Dragon Lord’s Roar’. It has been negated by a stronger dragon4dragonspecies of lesser rank. Your pride has been slightly hurt. Your brood has heard your call.]   Astrid7Astridcharacter was a little surprised as she read the system message. She expected something like that when the roars canceled each other, but the ‘your brood has heard your call’ part …

Chapter 128- Battle of Dragons

The term dragon4dragonspecies is not something you should use lightly since it’s often meant for a beast at the pinnacle of evolution or a great and difficult challenge that you have to overcome. For Astrid7Astridcharacter though, it’s merely something a little more on even ground than anything else she has hunted before. Astrid only saw this intruding dragon as a …

Chapter 127- Going All-In with a Trump Card

General Enel was furious when he learned that his special forces unit had been wiped out. It completely overshadowed the momentary pleasure from before when the city gates had fallen. Now, less than half his army remained, so he decided this was his last chance to employ his trump card and turn the tides by exceeding the limits of these …

Chapter 126- General Enel’s Big Mistake

General Enel couldn’t believe his eyes; the soldiers under his command were being slaughtered. The ones with wings tried to retreat into the sky, but they were targeted as soon as they left the ground. No matter what, he couldn’t understand how Level 200 demons were being killed by the hundreds. By the time they got to the gate, his …

Chapter 125- Charge!

General Enel looked at the small fortress city with an amused expression on his face. It was a fairly good location to set up their new base for the campaign. Perhaps King Baal will make him the leader of this speck of land and let him keep several thousand mortals as slaves for all eternity. He snickered at the thought …

Chapter 124- Right Before the Full Frontal Assault

General Enel was furious. First, his preemptive strike failed. Next, he had been forced to waste the fear mist. And now, after all that sacrifice, he had just received the order to withdraw. After smacking the imp that had delivered the message, he gazed over the hill where his army camped. Because his best lieutenants were gone, he relied on …