Chapter 43- Postgame

The god of war looked down from the balcony as the one who started the war with Eastguard fell to the side dead, while the youth that did him in uneasily returned to his feet out of instinct alone. His mind had left his skull it seems. The god of harvest then walked over to him before spilling half a …

Chapter 42- General of the Empire

General Marcus Davis Glorihouse the III, a man born from a military family. At a fairly young age, he was recognized as a talented youth in the forms of war and battle. It was he who initially created the plan to invade Eastguard to take it’s lands for the empire. He also subdued a giant youngling to be trained as …

Chapter 41- Astrid’s Sword

Astrid7Astridcharacter looked happily at KMega6KMegacharacter as he took her gift. In truth, the idea to make the sword for KMega came to her when she was looking up entertainment things on the net. She saw that a bond could be strengthened if a pair of weapons were made for partners. She learned about the other ‘worlds’ and IRL as well. …

Chapter 40- Finals Part 2

After the one hour break quickly passed, KMega6KMegacharacter’s sword was still incomplete.   As expected from a Legendary class, it had high restrictions and high stats. Luckily for KMega though, he met those restrictions because they were made for him specifically in mind.   [Dragon Bond Great Fang (Incomplete) (L) (Soulbound)- A large sword made from the blood, sweat, and …

Chapter 39- Finals Part 1

KMega6KMegacharacter looked at his sword hilt in disappointment as another piece fell off. He then looked at his opponent while speaking. “To think that it broke with one attack.” (KMega) Luke was cut in half down his chest, while both of his blades were the same. He then took a knee and fell down as his HP ran out from …

Chapter 38- Semifinals Part 2

KMega6KMegacharacter knew it was coming. His armor was now an epic level 136 set with level growth. It was also had reasonably high stats, but that didn’t matter because his weapon and shield were different. During his time raiding the empire’s slavers, he acquired many higher grade weapons and armors, but he passed them over for raw resources and assets …

Chapter 37- Semifinals Part 1

KMega6KMegacharacter realistically knew that he had a good bracket in the tournament. Getting to the semifinals with only one serious fight was really lucky. With each passing match, his time to rest has shortened though. Naturally, Astrid7Astridcharacter would repair his gear for him while he watched the rest of matches, but he took a nap after his last match to …

Chapter 36- Self Check

Astrid7Astridcharacter came over to her brother after the match like last time and helped him out of the ring and instantly got his armor off of him to begin the repairs. This is something she’s done over and over again, over a dozen times over the months they’ve been looking for Kieser and the other prisoners of the war. However, …

Chapter 35- PvP

Terrar smirked at KMega6KMegacharacter’s foolishness. A large weapon gave him range, but it cost him speed. He figured that this was a result of his armor not being penetrated. However, this was untrue because Terrar failed to realize that KMega didn’t aim for a kill shot, but for the pendant. However, Terrar paused after seeing the necklace that KMega wore …

Chapter 34- The Quarterfinals

Needless to say, Prince Harry was disqualified shortly after the match started because he used a magic enhanced skill. It left KMega6KMegacharacter in bad shape though. Astrid7Astridcharacter had to walk over to him to help him off the stage. It has been over a hundred and eighty in game days since the start of the war, and since KMega had …