Chapter 183- Neirlar’s Last Will and Testament

Neirlar examined the blood on his claws as he thought about all the insects he just killed to protect his people. His strength is boundless compared to those weaklings, but they dealt him harder mental blows then physical. When he saw the dead bodies of his family, his sanity broke and he went on a rampage. He only stopped when …

Chapter 182- 8,946 +1

Astrid7Astridcharacter weakly walked over to the dragon4dragonspecies laying very still on the ground and laid down next to him. She protectively wrapped herself around him before closing her eyes and dying. … Astrid might be free from the system, but while she’s in-game, she has to obey it’s rules to a T! There isn’t any shortcuts or favoritism. However, when …

Chapter 181- Death Of A Hero

Pyscho4Astrid7Astridcharacter notched his bow and waited for his skill to cool down before firing. The dragon4dragonspecies in his sights is a lot different than the ones he hunted before; it had insane HP and attack power. Even the front line tanks had to keep swapping out, but he didn’t care since the contract paid good money for his skills. … …

Chapter 180- HELP

For a professional gamer, an hour is nothing. They have trained hard enough to fight for at least an hour without rest. However, there is no such thing as a legendary player that can do it all through effort, cunning, and skill. The world isn’t that small that only one person has such talents. A game is fair and balanced …

Chapter 179- Last Stand

KMega6KMegacharacter was surprised by how much his stats shot up after restoring them. They had increased on average by well over a hundred in each category compared to when he had unleashed them during the demon war in part because during that time, they had been on a separate server, so there had been little change to a player’s character …

Chapter 178- Etiquette

As soon as KMega6KMegacharacter charged, he knew it was too late. He tried to collide with the player king, but he was gone by the time he arrived. KMega caught the young cat girl as she fell and immediately cast ‘Healing Touch’, but it was already too late. “Enough of this farce! Retrieve who you can and kill the ones …

Chapter 177- Backstabbed

‘This is way too tedious!’ Rephrasing the questions he was asked before made KMega6KMegacharacter have to rephrase his answers so he didn’t sound like a broken record. This is something he learned taking the diplomacy class, but KMega was an amateur compared to the person speaking. “As I stated before, I did not force the former companions to come to …

Chapter 176- Diplomatic Invasion

KMega6KMegacharacter waited less than a day before he received a notice from a messenger representing one of the heads of the giant guilds. He had been weary and nervous because his encounters with big guilds in previous games. As a space pirate, he had fought the injustices of the giant guild that ruled the game. Most surprisingly, it had worked. …

Chapter 172- Never Back Down

“Fine then. What brings the owner of this establishment out here?” (Elsa) Elsa inquired boldly; she was only acting strong because a cute girl leaned on her arm. Had she been alone, she would be clinging to an arm instead. Tygart was a showman playboy type who could not take a hint. Three years ago, he had entered the GSP …

Chapter 173- The Fear

KMega6KMegacharacter woke up in a white room in an unfamiliar bed. Beeep Beeep Beeep! The systematic rhythm of his heartbeat on the monitor made him turn his head and he found Astrid7Astridcharacter sitting down looking at him. The worried look on her face was quickly replaced with relief when she saw his eyes open. Since she’s a dragon4dragonspecies, there are …