Book II – Bandit, Chapter 5 – Calamity at the Chimes Estate

“Ahhh! Son of a bitch!” Ricky Chimes was enduring immense pain as he screamed. At least he wasn’t crying. Jodye Trill looked at the Zeno whose eyes had spawned a river. His eyes suddenly dazed as he remembered a similar event from his past life as a spy. He sneered thinking, ‘Why talk big if you’re so easy to break? …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 4 – Want to fight?

Jupiter didn’t waste any time and instantly activated his mind’s eye technique. The world 100 meters around him suddenly became clear as day! Every object, herb, and even most insects were reflected within his mind. It was like his spiritual sense had evolved into an aerial video drone with an excellent overview, and also zoom functionality. When he concentrated and …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 3 – Spirit Source, Divine Sense

“Uhm… right. So then, Mr. Mighty, how exactly will you become the savior of this world again?” Asked Wyven sarcastically. Who did this brat think he was, a Pharaoh? Surely not even Pharaohs were arrogant to such a degree, right? “This…” Jupiter was slightly taken aback. In spite of his raging confidence, he honestly had no way of doing this …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 2 – The advent of Jupiter, the forgetful star!

Meanwhile, in Jodye Trill’s head… “Idiots, dumbasses, foolish mutts, ah!” Xavier Tricko was highly stressed. Inside Jodye Trill’s host space, the scenery of everything was cracked like a broken mirror. Small pieces kept falling off into the void, with Xavier unaware of whether they could ever be recovered. “Does this mean that Jodye’s consciousness is in danger of being completely …

Book II – Bandit, Chapter 1 – Crisis averted? To wish upon a fallen star!

— The Chaotic Space Basin Deep within the eighth layer of the sky, there was a zone that was the source of all spatial laws. If the laws of space were likened to a chain, this zone would be where every single chain met up, before entangling themselves and leaving through the other side. This chaotic space was full of …

Book I – Legend, Finale – The night that the Sky Fell

— Trilleck Villa, Event Hall Osiris Trilleck was dressed in the House battle armor, red and white caped armor with a black crescent moon crest on the shoulder. The cape represented a specific realm of strength, whereas the black crescent moon represented the House Lord, but they were both the same color. Lord Osiris was standing with his hands behind …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 57 – To rescue a Damsel

Isis Trilleck was in a daze as she leaned injured against the ancient tree. Her man-slaying face was pale to the extreme, and her honey brown skin looked nearly green, unlike her usual satiny complexion. Her black armor was broken and tattered, with one of her celestial mountains exposed to the world. Isis’ face was constantly wincing in pain. Her …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 56 – The plan

This time Jodye felt like they were traveling for an hour. When the duo reappeared, they were in the shade of one of the branches of a huge ancient tree. Sek Si and Jodye were crouched low on the branch looking down at the scene below. Earth-shaking explosions arose from the center of the vast wild lands. It was like …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 55 – Not a Request

“Trippy, is there any way for me to pass my Cosmic Vision Scripture to Sek Si?” asked Jodye as he quickly changed his clothes. He felt like he was too bright and easy to target in silver and white. He wanted to wear black. Whenever Jodye Trill had tried writing down the Titanic Rage Law4Lawthe rules and principles that create, …

Book I – Legend, Chapter 54 – Living past today

— Trilleck Villa Hidden in the center of Eastern Badlands was a gorgeous private resort land, closed off from the outside world by a powerful curse and illusion formation. The cursed illusion formation made this entire region appear to be a poisonous bog, full of high-level desolate beasts. Anyone who mistakenly wandered into this forbidden area would be cursed by …