Chapter 146 – Soul Bind

Sizzle Sizzle The faint shadow of a dragon could be seen in the dragon blood as it covered the surface of the Twin Dragon Ancient Mirror. The dragon blood from Dragonite was obviously much stronger than Charmeleon’s had been. Twin Dragon Ancient Mirror soon absorbed all of the blood. “No effect?” Yang Tian projected his mental power into the mirror …

Chapter 145 – Dragonite

Yang Tian dispatched Xu Dafu and the rest to the nine camps. However, they had not been tasked to placate them but to get them to quickly take control of the resources in the region. With Earth becoming larger, its resources have also increased, especially at this very moment. Rank 1 materials were literally littered everywhere, Rank 2 and Rank …

Chapter 144 – Great Change

Everywhere around the globe was strangely peaceful. No otherworld creatures invaded the zombies were obediently guarding their own territories and even the mutated beasts have gone into hiding. Three days before the Blood Rain, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcano eruptions appeared around the planet… a series of disasters. The outer layer of Earth’s crust seems to be completely shattered and damaged. Many …

Chapter 143 – River East 

As for what Ouyang Ge will be doing to Southwest Camp Chief, Yang Tian did not want to know. Yang Tian returned to the manor and adjusted his condition again. Although Yang Tian did not attack much in the battle earlier on, he had still used the power of Venom. During the unstable period, his body needed to be in …

Chapter 142 – Poisoned

“Do you think I will not have started preparations?” The metahumans of West Camp and South Camp have yet to arrive on the battlefield, but they would not need a long time to come. Han Dang needed time to hold Yang Tian, while the latter also required time for his men to hold down the zombies. “Then I will really …

Chapter 141 – Pressing On The Advantage

Puchi The Ice Soul Zombie’s spear pierced through Xu Dafu’s chest, but Xu Dafu’s dual spears had also pierced through the Ice Soul Zombie’s stomach. An exchange of injury. However, the healing speed of Ice Soul Zombie was surprisingly rapid, the two injuries caused by Xu Dafu had instantly closed. Although Xu Dafu also has a high recovery speed, he …

Chapter 140 – Ice Soul Zombie

The marching Demonic Blood Zombie Han Dang saw a crude city ahead of it. The humans in the city seem to be waiting for their arrival. “Looks like we need to destroy that city in front.” “Soldiers! Let us flatten this place!” Han Dang raised its sword in the air. When the zombie soldiers saw the raised sword, they roared …

Chapter 139 – War Begins

“Boss, I have gathered everyone, is something big happening?” Yang Tian, Wang Yu, Xu Dafu and Lei Xing have all gathered. “Bring some people and head to the other camps to bring some metahumans over to the Southwest Camp. At the same time, get West Camp and South Camp to take note of Southwest Camp’s status, they are to provide …

Chapter 138 – Tyrant Slaughter Zombie King

“Get the various large camps to guard and patrol their areas.” Wang Yu understood Yang Tian’s meaning, he was unsatisfied with a group of metahumans suddenly appearing near the manor. “Yes.” However, Wang Yu’s face was displaying some worry. “What is it?” “Boss, South Camp is near to the back mountain, do we need to…” Yang Tian had considered what …

Chapter 137 – Mixing In?

The Second Blood Rain will be arriving in five day and other than the palaces globally, the plants and regions of the planet would experience a shocking transformation. And the materials that Yang Tian mentioned would also be born at that moment, Rank 1 materials would literally appear everywhere. As the Second Blood Rain approaches, the King’s Spirit within Yang …